Friday, May 5, 2017

Squash and Zucchini

I have now been picking squash and zucchini which has been growing well. One of the zucchini was well hidden and after I cut it out measured 10 inches. I usually like to cut them when they are 6 to 8 inches. The squash averaged 6 to 8 inches which is the maximun I like to let it grow. With all the bees I have been seeing in the garden, I am getting a lot of fruit.

Nice rounded squash

Good big zucchini

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Bees are Back

After being absent last year they are all over my garden helping to pollinate my squash and zucchini plants this year, every day I see them there and it is them I have to thank for making my garden a success, I took some photos of them in squash and zucchini flowers, there were so many!

New Snake

I was surprised to come accross a coral snake in my chicken pen, he was right by me and lucky for me I startled him enough for him to move away instead of coming at me. I know there are snakes in the country and in my area and I have seen some but this snake was the first venomous snake near my house that I saw and I have to say it scared me enough that I look around a lot more than I use to. I managed to take a photo of it and I have posted it here. It goes to show you have got to be aware of your environment all the time when you are operating in it...

Garden Update

The garden has been moving along since the last update I posted here. While there has been a lack of rain I have been hand watering from my water well. I think there has been no rain for last three weeks, and I think that has hurt somewhat and would have been castastrphic if I had not been watering every day. It seems winter has gone right into summer, ie I have had temps in the 90s for days now including back in April where I has little rain. I guess my hope is some May rains that will soak the ground. I will soon find out, but I am not optimistic. I uploaded some photos of my garden today...

The garden at the end of April 


Yellow Summer Squash 

Some tomatoes ripening 

Some of the peppers 

Purple bell pepper