Thursday, December 24, 2015

The New Rooster

I have a new addition to the chicken pen, a male rooster given to me by an employee at the feed store that I go to. He has been named Brewster. He is adjusting with the ladies and they are enjoying this nice weather..

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The "Winter Solstice"

The winter solstice came last night but you would not know it here at my place. The temperature here has been up in the 70s all week and today got close to 80. Actually the month of December has been warmer than usual all month, makes me wonder what next year might be like..

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Garden News

The last of the tomatoes this year have come in from the garden, that we be it till next year. I still have large carrots in the garden and I hope to pull them through the rest of the year. What a year for the garden, hope next year will be as good.

Last of the tomatoes this year

 Huge carrot plants are all that is left

More of My Neighbor

I went for a walk today on my property today and after reaching the creek on the west side I noticed what this idiot has been doing. I will let the photos say it all. With cutting down all the trees, he has left the hill on his side vulnerable to erosion and flooding in addition to how it looks without the trees.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Last Festival of the Year

I got up at 4:30 AM Saturday morning to drive out to the last festival of the year in Wimberley, TX. Temperature there was at 36 F and yes that was cold, but as the day went on it warmed up into the 60s with sunny skies. Got a nice corner booth in the center of three walking trails for better visability and to help my friends find me. Lots of people were there in a buying mood for the season and my sales of my craft were good, over $1100 for the day. Now to take a break for a couple months before I start looking at creative energies again for next spring..

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Now I know where all the bird food is going...

So I put out some corn, and the culprits came back after eating all the bird food last night.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

News From the Garden

Tomatoes are done for the year, I picked the last green ones and will see if the ripen inside. Pulled these carrots from the garden today, still have plenty of them, and I never know what I am going to get, especially like the two that grew twisting around each other.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The First Freeze

The first freeze for me in central TX will be this Sunday morning, so I have been gathering all the outside plants and getting them in the new greenhouse. Also draining some water pipes that go to the guest cabin, they may freeze in a hard freeze since they are not far enough below ground. Winter is coming..

Getting the plants in the greenhouse
Cold temps coming Sunday morning

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nice Find

I saw this guy on the side of the road in front of someone's entrance by their gate, don't know if he is available but he has some good energy magic..

Monday, November 9, 2015

Horse Manure

Yep, truck load of horse manure for next years garden picked up today from a local friend who has a horse farm. Got the truck unloaded and the stuff piled in a fenced off pit by the garden, now to keep adding more compost to it along with dirt to get the stuff ready by next year.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Neighbor

I was looking over at a neighbor I have on the next hill over to my west, and for the past two weeks they have been burning trees and clearing the land and the edge of the hill. I have seen surveying going on over there and assume they are going to build on the land. Thing is they are taking down all of the trees including those on the down slope of the hill. It just looks so barren from what I can see since I still have all my trees at the edge of my hill. I am seeing this view high up on a ladder on my property.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Free Stuff

Everybody likes to get free stuff, I was out the other day and decided to stop at this new consignment store that opened up near me. I talked to this lady for a while and she showed me these two desks she had and wanted to know if I would want them. I said I was not interested until she said I could have them since she did not have room for them. Next thing I know I was loading them on my truck and taking them away!

 First desk and the large one
 First desk opened to show it has a light
 Second desk
Second desk opened

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Next Flood

The area around me has received about a foot of rain this past week and the creeks on my property have become rivers again after a dry hot summer. This also happened last May of this year when the same kind of rainfall happened. The nearby city of Austin, is in a flood emergency with people being rescued from flooded homes. This is an el nino year so I suppose I should expect this, and fortuately for me I am high enough off ground.

This is on my property where a dry creek has now become a river.

This is a couple of the major roads in Austin

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Our Male Deer

Every morning he stops by my cabin on my property usually with a couple females. It is difficult to catch him for a good photo and I have seen him and his females a lot. These photos were taken with him right outside my window. His two females were by the cabin eating bird food on the ground.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Garden News

The garden finally got some much needed soaking rains this past weekend and is doing better after a long summer of no rain. I kept it alive using a hose from my well.

Green tomatoes which should ripen before freeze 

Jalapeno peppers ready to pick, these have been really good 

A roll of carrots that are looking great

Thursday, October 22, 2015

More Crazy Weather

So I go for nearly four months in my area with no rain and now I find out I am going to get possibly up to a foot of rain in my area through this weekend. Of course that is how weather is, you either get the rain all at once or none at all. Fortunately for me I live up a hill, but I am sure my creeks will become raging rivers again. My garden is still alive and I am now getting some fall tomatoes, rain will be good for the garden but will most likely flood it out.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Future Greenhouse

Have been working on building a future greenhouse for all the potted plants including some large palms.  I have made it out of pallets and some two by fours with tough plastic sheeting. I have to get a couple more pallets, some more plastic sheeting, and install a door and then some minor stuff and I should be done with it in another week..

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Elk Skull

The elk skull is now mounted on the front of my main cabin. Its life force will be honored at the entry door of the cabin

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kitty Land With Lucy Cat

One of the favorite places my cat likes to play and stretch out is with the "Cat Tower" (picked up at a thrift store) and one of her favorite scratching towers, also at a thrift.

Bought broken for $7 at Goodwill but fixed it

Bought for $14 and added base at bottom

Monday, October 12, 2015

Honoring the Passing

Recently a friend asked me to honor and bless a family cat who passed away recently after 18 years from brain cancer. She buried her friend on my property and as a shaman performed a healing ceremony blessing this animals passing to the spirit world while burning some sage brush and using some passing words.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Deer Who Like Bird Seed

I was sitting in my reclining chair by my big window where the bird feeders are and I just happed to glance out and saw this deer right by my window eating seed from the bird feeder. It was an interesting watch. There is also plenty of extra seed on the ground, and I have seen them back since then..

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October Wimberley Festival

I went back to the town of Wimberley for their October Festival yesterday bringing my knife work and craft. It was a great day, sunny and temperatures in the eighties with a lot of people. I had a good day of talking to people and selling my craft, including the people entertainment that is always interesting to watch...

Setup along the front area of the Festival

Found this elk skull at the festival

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Return to Verizon

I quit using my smartphone for a while but have gotten an offer from Verizon to come back that I must admit I cannot pass up. It is a funny thing that when it comes to American businesses that if you leave them, they are willing to do just about anything to get you back. I am now back on my smart phone paying just $43 a month with 6 gig of data (which is more than I need) and unlimited talk and unlimited text, and that is with no contract. I have seen the first bill in black and white and have verified that this is not some gimmick and I even got my old number back. Go figure..

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Supermoon Eclipse

Sat out on the deck to watch this year's supermoon eclipse rise last night. We had some problems with a thin cloud bank that came in just before the peak of the eclipse and that took the view away until the eclipse was over. By then the moon was bright enough to see through some thin clouds. It was a fantastic watch. I could not get a good photo of it but this is a photo taken just north of me near Dallas. This is what I saw, and it was just amazing...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Last Watermelon

I cut this watermelon from the garden yesterday, it looks like it will be the last one I have for the season, may have a few more servings before it is gone. Made for a nice snack in the middle of the day...

Watermelon for a snack
Later, salad from the garden

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Night out on the deck drinking with friends

Spent the night out on the deck with friends, doing some star gazing and enjoying the night...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Deer by the House

I see deer outside the house a lot, but these guys were just six feet away from the house when I was out this morning. They were very cautious but enjoying the dead grass along my dirt road. These are the closest I have seen them to the house, usually they will wonder by in the woods, however these does came out alongside the house...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Newly Made Obsidian Knife

Made this knife today...made with beautiful dark and mahogany obsidian stone and mule deer antler for a waiting customer...this one has a blade 9 inches long and very sharp..